720p vs 1080p video comparison
720p vs 1080p video comparison

720p vs 1080p video comparison
  1. #720p vs 1080p video comparison 720p
  2. #720p vs 1080p video comparison pro
  3. #720p vs 1080p video comparison professional
720p vs 1080p video comparison

Just a note, I am absolutely not interested in the video. To be honest, I think Nikon made a big mistake with the 720p. Or could you name 1 Nikon camera that has 1080p? See, the perceived image of Nikon right now is that they were unable to match the competition's 1080p (no matter what the real reason). At the same time you have the same mediocre feature in all of your cameras that offer video while your competition offers 1080p. You have mediocre control options over a dedicated camera not to mention all the external goodies that you cannot attach to the D3s but available for a dedicated tool.

#720p vs 1080p video comparison 720p

Not much difference between 720p and 1080p, but again the implementetion. In terms of technical basis, I agree with you. (No lane assists, point of interest, Live traffic etc.). Try to imagine this, you buy the latest Mercedes 600SEL and as standard it comes with an £80 TomTom satnav that you have to stick on the windshield. Yes, a mediocre dedicated video camera beats the D3s. You come out with the latest and greatest along with a low quality feature. Michel, still don't get it do you? Ok, just forget about all the technical stuff for a moment and think about perception. Have you seen the differences of the same camera in both 7? May I ask for what kind of production you want to use 1080P? Even if he'd used video cams at 4 or 5 times the price, I don't think he'd be able to achieve that great film look. A friend of mine has shot a short film 90% using a D90 and it's gob smacking. Personally I'm very impressed with the quality and wonderful film look that all these new video capable DSLRs have (OK I know the GH1 isn't a true DSLR). But re the OP's post, he might consider the Panny GH1 as there are adaptors to use Nikkor lenses and my understanding is that it's more of hybrid and more video user friendly than what Nikon & Canon have to offer so far. AFAIK & FWIW the D700s (or x) will probably have 1080P. If you have the time, just wait for the next iteration. If you've got the bucks, get a D3s and make your videos. 720P is HD broadcast quality, and frankly, it'll still take a lot of computer power to process. One of the secrets to buying an affordable HD TV set is to buy 720P for any set 42" or smaller. Seriously: in a screen of 42" or smaller, the difference between 1080P and 720P is indistinguishable. You won't even notice it in your camera bag next to your D3x If you really want 1080p, buy yourself a a sanyo HD-2000 for $500.

#720p vs 1080p video comparison professional

Some people do make professional videos using them, but in general they use them for special situation or just to prove they can.

#720p vs 1080p video comparison pro

Video on a pro DSLR is IMHO a gimmick (for now). Then again, if you are panning the rolling shutter on these cams will give you a "jellocam" effect on some shots.

720p vs 1080p video comparison

I'm not sure if canon offers IS mode 2 in their wide angle zooms. You then need to find IS/VR lenses that detect or allow you to turn off stabilization in the direction you are panning. Try holding your camera away from your face (so you can see the LCD) for an extended period of time. That makes hand-holding them even harder. You can't use the viewfinder, you have to use the LCD. The ergonomics make that hard to do compared to a regular videocam (either a consumer hand held or professional shoulder mount). Are you planning to handhold these beasts for video?

720p vs 1080p video comparison